
Top 3 Lists

Reasons Not to Eat After Dinner

It’s challenging to only pick three reasons here because there are many.  Simply put consuming excess calories late at night can have a detrimental impact on several key areas of your health.  Be aware of what you’re doing!  Here’s three key reasons not to eat after dinner… Extra Calories:  For most of us, the day’s work is coming to an…

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Food Habits You Used to Get Away With

As we grow older it is natural to compare ourselves to the younger version of ourselves.  Youth comes with abundant energy and A LOT more wiggle room for error.  As you say goodbye to your 20’s, some adjustments need to be made.  Here are the food habits that HAVE TO GO! “It’s the Weekend”:  Jobs, families, and responsibilities shape our…

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Health Adjustments for New Parents

Being responsible for another human being (or multiple…) comes with a lot of lifestyle adjustments.  Our individual health is often put on the back burner for the sake of the kids and family as a whole.  Here’s a few things to be aware to maintain personal health during this busy phase of life… Redefine Exercise:  For most new parents, finding…

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Healthy Habits at Work

A lot of today’s world demands seated work at a computer, wether at an office or at home.  This puts an extra adage on us to take responsibility and ensure that healthy habits are part of our work day.  Here’s the three most important things to remember for all us trying to balance work and health… Stand Up:  The health…

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Reasons To Do Yard Work

Yard work is the definition of “functional exercise.”  Outside of saving money and keeping things looking nice, there are a lot of physical (and mental) benefits of working on outdoor projects.  Studies prove that all movement counts toward weekly goals, so get some bang for your buck here! A Variety of Actions:  Weeding the garden, raking leaves, and pushing wheel…

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Top 3 Areas of Your Body to Focus On

Must adults want to feel flexible, strong, and do the activities they want to pain free.  Traditional and isolated exercises have their place, but often limit how the body functions as a whole.  Ensure you are getting the most out of your exercise selections by focusing on these three primary areas… The Foot/Ankle:  Our first point of contact with the…

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Ways to Start a Meditation Practice

A regular meditation practice can have a profound impact on your overall health and well being. As little as five minutes a day can greatly improve your physical and emotional health. Here’s a few ways to explore the power behind being quiet. Start Small: When you begin a meditation practice, it is difficult to “feel” the benefits right away or…

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Signs You Need to Pay Attention To

Your body will tell you if your health is starting to slip.  Some signs shouldn’t be ignored.  If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, make a concerted effort to get your health and fitness back on track. You Carry Excess Weight Around Your Midsection:  Excess visceral fat, stored around the major organs in your midsection, is linked with…

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Things for Better Balance

Single leg stability is a foundational measure of strength. Balance is required for most upright activities (even if we don’t realize it). The foot, ankle, hips, and abdominals are all heavily involved. Here’s a few things to focus on when you incorporate balance exercises into your routine… Expand Your Definition of Balance: When people lose their balance, it’s usually because…

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Three Things to Do When Joints Ache

There are few things as frustrating as aching joints. Discomfort can arise from a few different sources, such as overuse, underuse, injuries, compensations or inflammation. Here are a few things that you can take personal control of to help limit discomfort. Find Successful Motion: We are designed to move. Movement increases blood flow, nervous system activity, and keeps muscles fluid…

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