
fitness and wellness Archives - 33V Fitness

Health Adjustments for New Parents

Being responsible for another human being (or multiple…) comes with a lot of lifestyle adjustments.  Our individual health is often put on the back burner for the sake of the kids and family as a whole.  Here’s a few things to be aware to maintain personal health during this busy phase of life… Redefine Exercise:  For most new parents, finding…

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Healthy Habits at Work

A lot of today’s world demands seated work at a computer, wether at an office or at home.  This puts an extra adage on us to take responsibility and ensure that healthy habits are part of our work day.  Here’s the three most important things to remember for all us trying to balance work and health… Stand Up:  The health…

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Personal Minimum for Exercise

We’ve all heard that we need to exercise every day.  For most of us though, it’s not as easy as it sounds.  Society paints an unfair picture of what “exercise” should consist of.  Don’t let others expectations freeze your decision making.  Learn to personalize a minimum for yourself, because it all counts. A well balanced fitness routine can consist of…

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This simple, beautiful practice has been used since the beginning of time to provide clarity, calm, and a long list of health benefits. Modern societies, and finally health care professionals, have finally caught up to the simplistic wonders of sitting in quiet.  The best part about meditation is that anybody can try it on some level. On a physical level,…

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