
meal planning Archives - 33V Fitness

Sunday Meal Prep

Rolling into Monday without any planning for your nutrition can set destroy your whole week. Take advantage of Sunday to get food shopping and meal prep done for the next few days. Not only can you have some tasty meals for relaxing on Sunday, but have great leftovers for the next few days. Preparing for future meals sets the tone…

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Top 3 Food Prep Ideas for Your Week

Getting a good groove with your weekly nutrition requires effort and rhythm. Planning ahead allows you to “win” more meals than you lose over the course of the week. Falling back on easy to grab, highly processed options is convenient at the time, but will have direct impact on your energy, metabolism, and waistline. Here are some tips to stay…

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Nutrition When You Travel

Trying to eat healthy when you are out of town for a few days is challenging. Throwing in the towel and eating whatever is in front of you can set you back for days. A little planning goes a long way here. Airports, rest-steps, food courts, and conferences typically provide generic options. If you’re on the road with your family…

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