
Healthy Habits

Take A Break

Everybody enjoys their snacks and sweets from time to time whether it be ice cream, chips, or chocolate.  Taking a calculated break from our daily treats gives the body a rest from the sugar and fat that keeps us in a trance. Most of us have been eating in the same patterns for decades.  Favorites from our youth often remain…

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Think Ahead!

Sometimes thinking of the big picture is hard to do.  Time goes by quickly though, and our food choices add up for the good or the bad.  Here’s the breakdown of four “treats” that a lot of us give ourselves and what it adds up to by the end of the year… The After Dinner Ice Cream Treat Having a…

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Viewing Personal Health as a Learning Process

The majority of today’s health, medical, and fitness trends play right into human nature: the quick fix.  Pills, diets, procedures, and “the perfect” exercise routine dominate an environment that is screaming for a better approach.  Viewing personal health as a life long learning process allows you to listen, feel, and adjust to what your body needs as you age. Physical…

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Defined as the quality of being thankful and displaying the willingness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.  A simple, and pure practice, being grateful for the people and opportunities in your life has a profound impact on your mental, emotional, and even physical health. There are research studies on the benefits of gratitude…lots of them!  A regular practice…

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Responsibility with Medicines and Supplements

Supplements and medications have a very important role in personal health care, providing a powerful tool to help us deal with threatening conditions.  It’s important not to fall into the trap of using them as a crutch and justifying poor health choices and habits that create chronic conditions. Remember…it’s human nature to take the easy way out!  Exercising every day,…

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Will Power

Resisting short term temptations to reach long term goals is easier said than done.  Will power can be a bit tricky, and if we truly want control it’s important to strategize.  A further look into our psychology and emotional awareness provides a lot of clues. In 1998, Roy Baumeister published a now famous study that challenged participants to eat either…

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Don’t Compare Yourself

Each of us are such a unique combination of genetics, age, and experience.  Society constantly challenges us with images and descriptions of what health and beauty should look like.  It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others (or even our former selves).  Practice remaining present and grow an appreciation for every step of your health and…

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There is no more challenging time of the year to maintain your health habits then the holiday season.  Thanksgiving to New Years marks a period of overindulgence, especially in America.  The average person will gain around two pounds with the potential for more lurking at every holiday party.  Don’t shrug it off this year, be better prepared. It’s the end…

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Personal Minimum for Exercise

We’ve all heard that we need to exercise every day.  For most of us though, it’s not as easy as it sounds.  Society paints an unfair picture of what “exercise” should consist of.  Don’t let others expectations freeze your decision making.  Learn to personalize a minimum for yourself, because it all counts. A well balanced fitness routine can consist of…

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So simple, yet so underrated.  Getting enough quality sleep is essential for the maintenance, growth, and repair of every system in your body.  There are enough of studies available now to link irregular sleep patterns with heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.  If you have found yourself out of a good nighttime routine, don’t wait to fix it. So what constitutes…

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