
Healthy Habits


We all do it. A lot of us don’t realize when or how often we do. Making justifications for habits and behaviors is inherent to our nature. Being comfortable is easy and making changes requires effort. When it comes to our health, being proactive is the best approach. Learn how to break out of your comfort zone. “I’m fine.” “I…

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Transition Times

Seasons, jobs, school, travel and family all play a big part in how we plan for and execute our personal health and fitness plans. Sometimes transitions are planned and we have time to adjust, other times not. Be versatile and intelligent with your choices to make the best of life’s changes. Winter, spring, summer, and fall are fairly predictable. They’ll…

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Don’t Follow Trends, Use Common Sense

There will always be “the next best thing” that grabs our attention and promises better results in less time. The health and fitness industry is a great example of our societal demand for instant gratification. Super intense workouts and crazy diets will never replace an educated and long-term approach to personal health and fitness. While in the repetition of our…

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Non Traditional Meals

An evolving health, fitness, and nutrition practice is essential as we age. Embracing a mindset of using food for fuel is liberating on many levels. Being married to standard American definitions of breakfast, lunch, and dinner only limits our ability to incorporate real, nutrient dense foods. Most of us grew up eating cereal and milk for breakfast, a sandwich for…

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Nutrition When You Travel

Trying to eat healthy when you are out of town for a few days is challenging. Throwing in the towel and eating whatever is in front of you can set you back for days. A little planning goes a long way here. Airports, rest-steps, food courts, and conferences typically provide generic options. If you’re on the road with your family…

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Intermittent Fasting

This is not a diet, nor is it starving yourself. It is taking an extended break between the times that you eat, which is typically your last meal of the day and first of the next day. It will help your body burn fat, reduce inflammation, repair your genes, and increase vitality. When you’re eating, your body is digesting and…

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Pay Attention to Your Body’s Messages

Like anything in life that we use on a regular basis, maintenance and care are necessary. Our bodies will give us feedback like tight muscles, aches, pains, or various forms of discomfort. Sometimes these signs are minor and easy to ignore, sometimes they demand immediate attention. A daily practice of tuning in to your body’s messages is a staple of…

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This simple, beautiful practice has been used since the beginning of time to provide clarity, calm, and a long list of health benefits. Modern societies, and finally health care professionals, have finally caught up to the simplistic wonders of sitting in quiet.  The best part about meditation is that anybody can try it on some level. On a physical level,…

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The Many Benefits of Walking

Want to improve your mood, sharpen your memory, increase your metabolism, lower your anxiety, burn calories, help your heart, and boost your immune system? Go for a walk! Walking is movement in its purest form. The human body is designed to ambulate from one point to the next, one foot in front of the other. It can be relaxing motion…

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