Health Education

Fats vs Carbs

Understanding the difference between fats and carbohydrates is a MUST KNOW for everyone! If you haven’t yet transitioned from processed carbs to a real food-based diet rich in healthy fats, what are you waiting for?

Our bodies are not designed to use glucose as our main source of fuel. Our species has evolved over thousands of years using nothing but natural, whole foods for energy. The introduction of highly processed foods that easily break down into glucose has created a population that is addicted to unhealthy and disease-causing foods.

Carbohydrates, in all forms, break down into glucose.  On a cellular level, we need glucose to function.  The good news is carbohydrates break down quickly into glucose, making energy available quickly.  The bad news is our ability to store excess glucose is very limited.  If we’re not constantly burning through it, it will be stored as fat.


Fat breaks down into ketones, which the body has a very efficient metabolic pathway for.  It is a more sustainable energy source and allows the body to access fat reserves.  Retraining your body to use fats as fuel can eliminate the blood sugar, fat storing roller coaster that highly processed carbohydrates and sugars set us up for.

Avocados, wild-caught fish, nuts, seeds, coconut, olive oil, pasture-raised beef, poultry, lamb, and eggs are all wonderful and delicious sources of healthy fats. A fat-based diet that is coupled with vegetables high in fiber and a modest amount of fruit and whole grains is the recipe for health.

Eliminating processed foods and replacing them with a real food based diet sets the table for long term metabolic and cellular health.  Start making moves and get it done!

Sean Fitzpatrick

Author Sean Fitzpatrick

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