Healthy Habits

Don’t Follow Trends, Use Common Sense

There will always be “the next best thing” that grabs our attention and promises better results in less time. The health and fitness industry is a great example of our societal demand for instant gratification. Super intense workouts and crazy diets will never replace an educated and long-term approach to personal health and fitness.

While in the repetition of our day-to-day lives, it’s easy to lose grasp on the big picture. Chronic conditions don’t occur overnight. Outside of extraordinary circumstances, we don’t gain 30 pounds in a month. Most of the health issues that we face as adults are the result of years, sometimes decades, of poor choices. Although our DNA can outline a higher risk for certain outcomes, they are primarily realized, or not, by the choices we make.

Life regularly presents challenges in which we must put the well being of others before ourselves. One month of not exercising or eating poorly can turn into a year quickly. When the time comes for you take control of your health and fitness, be realistic with your time frames. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, especially a younger version of yourself.

Embrace holistic lifestyle and habit changes and let them sculpt your future. Confused about how to start eating a healthy diet? Start by eliminating processed foods. Don’t snack all day and try not to eat after dinner. Eat lots of vegetables and healthy fats. If you’re looking for a magic potion to rev up your metabolism and shed 15 pounds in a week, you will eventually have to face reality: a real food based diet is the backbone of health.

The same principals apply to exercise.  A frenzy of high intensity training simply isn’t safe, and can put you at risk for injury or other setbacks. If you want long term results, you better buckle in for the long haul.  We have to walk regularly, stretch, and move our body through full range of motion several times a week. We need to handle load every once a while and get our heart rate up. If you are training for something specific find a coach and stick to a plan.

Consistently is the most important thing. The personal journey towards health and fitness is challenging yet rewarding. Be present, don’t judge yourself, and find a pattern of habits that will work for you.  Use common sense as the latest “craze” becomes popular.  Remember there are no shortcuts!  Allow yourself to evolve happy and healthy.

Sean Fitzpatrick

Author Sean Fitzpatrick

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