
leftovers Archives - 33V Fitness

Two Day Meal Plan

A little planning goes a long way, especially with your weekly meals. Get in the habit of thinking a few days ahead for your cooking, shopping, and leftover options. Here’s a two-day meal plan sample that covers it all: MONDAY 9:30am Egg Frittata with Tomato, Spinach, Goat cheese (leftover from Sunday) w/Side Salad Mixed Greens 12:30pm Chopped Salad with Canned…

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Non Traditional Meals

An evolving health, fitness, and nutrition practice is essential as we age. Embracing a mindset of using food for fuel is liberating on many levels. Being married to standard American definitions of breakfast, lunch, and dinner only limits our ability to incorporate real, nutrient dense foods. Most of us grew up eating cereal and milk for breakfast, a sandwich for…

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