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Responsibility with Medicines and Supplements

Supplements and medications have a very important role in personal health care, providing a powerful tool to help us deal with threatening conditions.  It’s important not to fall into the trap of using them as a crutch and justifying poor health choices and habits that create chronic conditions. Remember…it’s human nature to take the easy way out!  Exercising every day,…

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Health Adjustments for New Parents

Being responsible for another human being (or multiple…) comes with a lot of lifestyle adjustments.  Our individual health is often put on the back burner for the sake of the kids and family as a whole.  Here’s a few things to be aware to maintain personal health during this busy phase of life… Redefine Exercise:  For most new parents, finding…

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Three Things to Do When Joints Ache

There are few things as frustrating as aching joints. Discomfort can arise from a few different sources, such as overuse, underuse, injuries, compensations or inflammation. Here are a few things that you can take personal control of to help limit discomfort. Find Successful Motion: We are designed to move. Movement increases blood flow, nervous system activity, and keeps muscles fluid…

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Top 3 Food Prep Ideas for Your Week

Getting a good groove with your weekly nutrition requires effort and rhythm. Planning ahead allows you to “win” more meals than you lose over the course of the week. Falling back on easy to grab, highly processed options is convenient at the time, but will have direct impact on your energy, metabolism, and waistline. Here are some tips to stay…

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Intermittent Fasting

This is not a diet, nor is it starving yourself. It is taking an extended break between the times that you eat, which is typically your last meal of the day and first of the next day. It will help your body burn fat, reduce inflammation, repair your genes, and increase vitality. When you’re eating, your body is digesting and…

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Pay Attention to Your Body’s Messages

Like anything in life that we use on a regular basis, maintenance and care are necessary. Our bodies will give us feedback like tight muscles, aches, pains, or various forms of discomfort. Sometimes these signs are minor and easy to ignore, sometimes they demand immediate attention. A daily practice of tuning in to your body’s messages is a staple of…

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Foods to Break Up With…Now!

Most people don’t respond well to being told not to do something. This is one of the rare occasions where sensitive communication does not matter. By eliminating these three things from your diet, you can vastly improve your metabolism, chronic symptoms, and cellular health.  It’s 2017, we should know better! High Fructose Corn Syrup: It is a chemically produced byproduct…

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Reasons to Strength Train

There are many reasons to strength train, and though our priorities may change as we age, there are constant benefits through each phase of our life. Explore a form of strength training that works for you, and enjoy these benefits now and in your future. Here’s the Top 3 Reasons to Strength Train: Feel Good! At the heart of it,…

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Acidic vs. Alkaline

In order to survive, our blood must balance a PH between 7.35 and 7.45 (pure water is 7.0). The Standard American Diet is loaded with acidic foods and forces our body to constantly fight to maintain a healthy PH. It’s important to know which foods create an acidic environment, what it can do to your health, and how to take…

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Overuse Injuries

It’s easy to understand what an “acute” injury is. There is an incident or accident that causes a sprain, tear, or a break. An “overuse” or chronic injury is something much more subtle and will generally occur over time as a result of a repeated stimulus. In some cases this is obvious, others not so much. Understanding the factors involved…

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