
meal prep Archives - Page 2 of 2 - 33V Fitness

Non Traditional Meals

An evolving health, fitness, and nutrition practice is essential as we age. Embracing a mindset of using food for fuel is liberating on many levels. Being married to standard American definitions of breakfast, lunch, and dinner only limits our ability to incorporate real, nutrient dense foods. Most of us grew up eating cereal and milk for breakfast, a sandwich for…

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Cole Slaw

Coleslaw is SOOOOO easy and delicious, yet many of us don’t incorporate it into our weekly routine.  It’s crunchy, fresh, and easy to tailor to your taste.  Give it a go! Combine these ingredients in a large mixing bowl: Shredded green cabbage (easily bought pre-chopped at the store) Shredded carrots Thinly sliced onion Thinly sliced green apple In a small…

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Top 3 Pre-Prepped Veggies

Stores are making it easier for us to reach for healthy options! There are a ton of pre-chopped ingredients out there that will make your day-to-day cooking so much easier. Take advantage and save yourself some time at the cutting board. Here are our 3 favorite time-savers: 1. Cauliflower Rice: Anybody who’s ever spent 15 minutes chopping cauliflower rice on…

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