
walking Archives - 33V Fitness

Health Habits for Work

For many of us, working hours dominate our week.  Failing to integrate mindful practices into our professional existence can have a major impact on our health.  Don’t sleep walk through the prime years of your life!  A little motivation and direction can help you install the habits that are key to your vitality.  Here’s the three best healthy habits for…

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Building vs. Expending Energy

Exercise has a long list of health benefits.  As you age, it’s important to identify what forms work best for you.  Stress, work, responsibility, and injuries can all have an impact on how we feel.  Sometimes burning through extra energy is what we need, but sometimes we need to rest and recover. The first step to choosing what you need…

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Solutions to Why You Don’t Exercise

Why do so many of us find it difficult to exercise?  Here we break down the top three reasons people use and provide some simple solutions.  Stepping out of classic definitions and personalizing your approach can go a long way… “I Don’t Have Time”:  Yes, everyone is busy.  We are all so busy that taking care of ourselves often takes…

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Healthy Habits at Work

A lot of today’s world demands seated work at a computer, wether at an office or at home.  This puts an extra adage on us to take responsibility and ensure that healthy habits are part of our work day.  Here’s the three most important things to remember for all us trying to balance work and health… Stand Up:  The health…

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