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Ways to Start a Meditation Practice

By October 8, 2017 No Comments

A regular meditation practice can have a profound impact on your overall health and well being. As little as five minutes a day can greatly improve your physical and emotional health. Here’s a few ways to explore the power behind being quiet.

Start Small: When you begin a meditation practice, it is difficult to “feel” the benefits right away or even understand if you are doing it right. Starting with just a few minutes a day will help you build some momentum and allow you to explore all of the natural questions that arise in this initial phase. Jumping to a 20 minute meditation could be both physically and emotionally exhausting. Slowly learn what position you feel most comfortable in and how to effectively quiet the chatter in your mind.

Use an App: There are plenty of apps available for those who would like to start with a guided meditation or tone setting music. Apps also make it easy to adjust for time selection, giving you flexibility to grow into a practice. Choose from different life scenarios like stress, fatigue, or focus to really personalize the experience.

Take a Class: Sometimes committing to a class is the best way to start a practice. It is natural to have questions throughout this journey, and having an instructor or a group to exchange feedback can be valuable. There’s a comfort in knowing that many others share the same struggles developing a regular meditation practice. This can be a great place to seek out resources to help you personalize a routine.

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Sean Fitzpatrick

Author Sean Fitzpatrick

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