
cheat days Archives - 33V Fitness

Ways to Navigate Unhealthy Food at a Party

Society does not make eating healthy easy!  If you’re heading out to a work function or a party with some friends, good chance the food options aren’t going to be healthy.  You don’t HAVE to eat everything in front of you!  Here’s a few strategies to keep you in control… Make a Commitment Beforehand:  Make a plan!  Studies show over…

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Things To Do After Cheat Days

Whether its the Super Bowl, a party, or you just wanted to pig out, it’s not the end of the world.  Don’t wait, get yourself right back on track the next day.  Here’s three things you can do to reset… Fast:  After over-indulging, you’re body has plenty of energy reserves.  If you’re waking up still kind of full from the…

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