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Reasons to Strength Train

There are many reasons to strength train, and though our priorities may change as we age, there are constant benefits through each phase of our life. Explore a form of strength training that works for you, and enjoy these benefits now and in your future.

Here’s the Top 3 Reasons to Strength Train:

  1. Feel Good! At the heart of it, hormone balance is the key. Weight training will stimulate Human Growth Hormone (HGH) for women and both HGH and Testosterone for men. These hormones play a huge role in burning fat, building muscle, and feeling good. Hit those weights!
  2. Build and Maintain Muscle Mass: Generally speaking we will begin to lose muscle mass as we age. Easy to gain and maintain in our 20’s turns into hard to gain / easy to lose in every year past. Regular loading of all the major muscle groups will help maintain both muscle mass and strength as you age.   Use it or lose it!
  3. Bone Density: As young adults this is something we hardly think about. Hopefully we never have to. Weight bearing and muscle strengthening exercises have tremendous benefit to the skeletal system. Full body exercises that incorporate the hips and spine are essential. Improve both your balance and bone thickness with regular effort.

Strength training, like any exercise, is relative to the individual. Start a program that is safe, and that you can be consistent with. Aim to build up to 2-4x per week to see your best results.

Sean Fitzpatrick

Author Sean Fitzpatrick

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