Hey there, all you amazing parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles! We know that taking care of a child is a big responsibility that demands a lot of hard work and dedication. But amidst all that hustle and bustle, there’s a fantastic opportunity that often goes unnoticed. It’s the chance to reconnect with the joys of youth and rediscover the many…
Very much like cooking, it seems to be a lost art in todays world. Nothing tastes better than fresh picked food. You don’t have to be an expert gardener to get some of the basics going at home. Here’s a thought process to get you started… Container Garden: If you want to start really simple, you can start with some…
If your diet consists of a lot of processed foods, there’s a good chance you are deficient in many important vitamins and minerals. Nutritional supplements are a billion dollar industry and available everywhere. Here are three things to think about when deciding what’s right for you… They Don’t Offset a Poor Diet: Recent studies by the CDC show that less…
Our environments, stress, food, exercise, genetics, and emotional well being all impact our health. Exploring family history can provide insight and perspective into conditions that have affected your lineage. Empower yourself with the knowledge of your genetics and ancestral lifestyles to help personalize your health care. Technological advances have put genetics and family history into the forefront of progressive health care…
It’s definitely confusing getting health and medical advice these days. There’s A LOT of conflicting information. However, if you read through enough of articles and studies, consistent themes present themselves. Here’s the Top 3 Health Habits that everyone agrees upon… Vegetables and Fruits: There are very few cases where increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet…
Rolling into Monday without any planning for your nutrition can set destroy your whole week. Take advantage of Sunday to get food shopping and meal prep done for the next few days. Not only can you have some tasty meals for relaxing on Sunday, but have great leftovers for the next few days. Preparing for future meals sets the tone…
Being responsible for another human being (or multiple…) comes with a lot of lifestyle adjustments. Our individual health is often put on the back burner for the sake of the kids and family as a whole. Here’s a few things to be aware to maintain personal health during this busy phase of life… Redefine Exercise: For most new parents, finding…
Making healthy habit changes is hard enough to do on your own. When you get on a roll, you want to share your success with significant others, friends, family, kids, and co-workers. Not everyone is in the same place in their life as you are. It’s important to consider a few key components of change when sharing your story. All…