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Overuse Injuries

It’s easy to understand what an “acute” injury is. There is an incident or accident that causes a sprain, tear, or a break. An “overuse” or chronic injury is something much more subtle and will generally occur over time as a result of a repeated stimulus. In some cases this is obvious, others not so much. Understanding the factors involved…

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Chemicals and preservatives are great for the food business, extending shelf lives and making produce look colorful and nice.  We have a choice though.  Organic products are everywhere now, with demand for clean eating increasing everywhere.  Countries across the world are beginning to ban the use of chemicals on food.  Nutrition advice can be confusing, but it can be broken down…

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Relative Motion

This is perhaps the most underrated concept in all of physical fitness, rehab, and training! The human body moves as an integrated unit. When you are identifying sports motions, an injured muscle or joint, or an area you want to strengthen, you must include the neighboring joints and muscle actions. Do you think efficient ankle, hip, trunk, and shoulder motion…

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Stand Up!

The human body was not meant to be crammed into chairs, couches, and cars for hours at a time. Research (and common sense) is finally revealing the devastating results this is having on our health. Prolonged sitting has been found to switch off the cellular responses that promote healthy blood flow, metabolism, muscle activation, and bone growth. If you are…

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