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Healthy Habits at Work

By October 28, 2017 No Comments

A lot of today’s world demands seated work at a computer, wether at an office or at home.  This puts an extra adage on us to take responsibility and ensure that healthy habits are part of our work day.  Here’s the three most important things to remember for all us trying to balance work and health…

Stand Up:  The health consequences of sitting for lengths of time is now being compared to smoking cigarettes.  That’s not good news for most of us.  It’s up to us to take responsibility and make sure we find ways to stand every hour.  Get a standing desk (ask your boss to pay for it).  Simple phone calls can be done standing up.  Set a timer so that you are sitting for no more than 45 minutes a time.  Schedule 10 minute walks a few times over the course of your work day.  Every major system of your body shuts down after sitting for too long, take this one seriously.

Hydrate:  It’s easy to get in a groove at work and all of a sudden realize the only thing you’ve drank all day was coffee.  Most of us fall way short of a healthy amount of H2O.  Grab a large water bottle and make sure you finish it twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.  Have a full glass of water before lunch.  Double down on health habits by getting some water and going for a quick walk.  It’s good for digestion, metabolism, and your immune system.

Eat a Healthy Lunch:  Grabbing control of your meals at work is challenging, but a huge overall step in your healthy lifestyle.  Lack of thought and preparation can easily lead to pizza or a burger/fries combo.  Lunch is a great opportunity to cash in on leftovers from the previous nights dinner.  If that’s not part of your flow yet, identify a place that you can get a good salad.  Cash in on vegetables, healthy fats, and proteins so you’re not looking for unhealthy snacks in the afternoon.  Set the tone for the rest of your day with a nutritious lunch.

Sean Fitzpatrick

Author Sean Fitzpatrick

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