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Pay Attention to Your Body’s Messages

Like anything in life that we use on a regular basis, maintenance and care are necessary. Our bodies will give us feedback like tight muscles, aches, pains, or various forms of discomfort. Sometimes these signs are minor and easy to ignore, sometimes they demand immediate attention. A daily practice of tuning in to your body’s messages is a staple of…

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Foods to Break Up With…Now!

Most people don’t respond well to being told not to do something. This is one of the rare occasions where sensitive communication does not matter. By eliminating these three things from your diet, you can vastly improve your metabolism, chronic symptoms, and cellular health.  It’s 2017, we should know better! High Fructose Corn Syrup: It is a chemically produced byproduct…

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Reasons to Strength Train

There are many reasons to strength train, and though our priorities may change as we age, there are constant benefits through each phase of our life. Explore a form of strength training that works for you, and enjoy these benefits now and in your future. Here’s the Top 3 Reasons to Strength Train: Feel Good! At the heart of it,…

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Acidic vs. Alkaline

In order to survive, our blood must balance a PH between 7.35 and 7.45 (pure water is 7.0). The Standard American Diet is loaded with acidic foods and forces our body to constantly fight to maintain a healthy PH. It’s important to know which foods create an acidic environment, what it can do to your health, and how to take…

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This simple, beautiful practice has been used since the beginning of time to provide clarity, calm, and a long list of health benefits. Modern societies, and finally health care professionals, have finally caught up to the simplistic wonders of sitting in quiet.  The best part about meditation is that anybody can try it on some level. On a physical level,…

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Overuse Injuries

It’s easy to understand what an “acute” injury is. There is an incident or accident that causes a sprain, tear, or a break. An “overuse” or chronic injury is something much more subtle and will generally occur over time as a result of a repeated stimulus. In some cases this is obvious, others not so much. Understanding the factors involved…

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The Many Benefits of Walking

Want to improve your mood, sharpen your memory, increase your metabolism, lower your anxiety, burn calories, help your heart, and boost your immune system? Go for a walk! Walking is movement in its purest form. The human body is designed to ambulate from one point to the next, one foot in front of the other. It can be relaxing motion…

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Top 3 Pre-Prepped Veggies

Stores are making it easier for us to reach for healthy options! There are a ton of pre-chopped ingredients out there that will make your day-to-day cooking so much easier. Take advantage and save yourself some time at the cutting board. Here are our 3 favorite time-savers: 1. Cauliflower Rice: Anybody who’s ever spent 15 minutes chopping cauliflower rice on…

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Chemicals and preservatives are great for the food business, extending shelf lives and making produce look colorful and nice.  We have a choice though.  Organic products are everywhere now, with demand for clean eating increasing everywhere.  Countries across the world are beginning to ban the use of chemicals on food.  Nutrition advice can be confusing, but it can be broken down…

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Relative Motion

This is perhaps the most underrated concept in all of physical fitness, rehab, and training! The human body moves as an integrated unit. When you are identifying sports motions, an injured muscle or joint, or an area you want to strengthen, you must include the neighboring joints and muscle actions. Do you think efficient ankle, hip, trunk, and shoulder motion…

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