
healthy lifestyle Archives - Page 4 of 6 - 33V Fitness

Hidden Ingredients to Avoid in All Processed Foods

Breaking up with processed foods high is a challenging process.  When produced with care, they can provide a supplement to a diet based on real foods.  However there are many dangerous ingredients in traditional processed foods.  Be mindful of these three ingredients when making decisions about what you are putting into your body. Highly Refined Vegetable Oils:  Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFA’s)…

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Understanding Your Hunger

We live in a world inundated with food. There are options everywhere we go, our brains constantly getting signals of availability. Having an understanding of the inner workings of our physical and emotional responses to hunger can help us improve our self control and selections. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the factors involved. Stress is often the…

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Sunday Meal Prep

Rolling into Monday without any planning for your nutrition can set destroy your whole week. Take advantage of Sunday to get food shopping and meal prep done for the next few days. Not only can you have some tasty meals for relaxing on Sunday, but have great leftovers for the next few days. Preparing for future meals sets the tone…

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Health Adjustments for New Parents

Being responsible for another human being (or multiple…) comes with a lot of lifestyle adjustments.  Our individual health is often put on the back burner for the sake of the kids and family as a whole.  Here’s a few things to be aware to maintain personal health during this busy phase of life… Redefine Exercise:  For most new parents, finding…

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Healthy Habits at Work

A lot of today’s world demands seated work at a computer, wether at an office or at home.  This puts an extra adage on us to take responsibility and ensure that healthy habits are part of our work day.  Here’s the three most important things to remember for all us trying to balance work and health… Stand Up:  The health…

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Personal Minimum for Exercise

We’ve all heard that we need to exercise every day.  For most of us though, it’s not as easy as it sounds.  Society paints an unfair picture of what “exercise” should consist of.  Don’t let others expectations freeze your decision making.  Learn to personalize a minimum for yourself, because it all counts. A well balanced fitness routine can consist of…

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Heart Health Basics

Roughly one out of four deaths in the U.S. are from heart disease, which is a staggering number.  A healthy diet, regular exercise, and conscious lifestyle habits could prevent many of these deaths.  Make sure when you visit your doctor, you have a solid grasp on what the important risk factors are and what your numbers indicate. When it comes…

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Simple Habits That Add Up

Apparent quick fixes to our health and wellness are everywhere we look. Years, and often decades, of lifestyle habits are the primary drivers for who we are and how we feel. Here are three foundational habits that everyone can do to improve their health for the long haul: Drink Water Before Every Meal: So simple, but a lot of us…

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Intermittent Fasting

This is not a diet, nor is it starving yourself. It is taking an extended break between the times that you eat, which is typically your last meal of the day and first of the next day. It will help your body burn fat, reduce inflammation, repair your genes, and increase vitality. When you’re eating, your body is digesting and…

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